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Health Visitors parent guide (Adobe pdf files) Visitors parent guide
Local Offer Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ's) answers to frequently asked questions about our SEND Local Offer.
Appealing against a school admission decision your appeal If your application for a place at a school was refused and you wish to appeal against the decision. Please complete thisĀ . You're allowe...
Local Offer: leisure and recreation Berkshire has activities and events aimed at families for all different age groups. We also have plenty of where families can enjoy the outdoors together f...
Secondary preference history (Excel documents) PREFERENCE HISTORY Secondary preference history Secondary preference history
Secondary school waiting list history (Excel documents) SCHOOL WAITING LIST HISTORY Secondary school waiting list history Secondary school waiting list history
Secondary allocation information (Documents) School Offer information This information is particularly relevant if we could not offer one of your preferred schools or you would like to change you...
Secondary allocation history (Excel documents) ALLOCATION HISTORY Secondary allocation history Secondary allocation history
Secondary allocation totals and percentage comparison (Excel documents) Year 7 admission round history Year Total home applications (children living in West Berks) WBC schools combined admission numbers First preference offer...
Secondary allocations 2025 (Excel documents) Admission Round Information - This report shows the count of allocations per criteria per Secondary School. Denefield School Home Local Authority Prefere...