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e-Books, e-audiobooks, e-magazines and e-newspapers available from BorrowBox, Libby and PressReader
Theory Test Pro for your UK driving theory test
West Berkshire Collective Energy Switching: Better Offers Together up to see if you can save money on your energy bills with the West Berkshire Big Community Switch.
Licence to Temporarily Deposit Building Materials on the Highway - S.171 Licence information about and apply for a licence to deposit building materials on roads, pavements, off road footpaths and verges
Licence for Scaffolding on the Highway - S.169 Licence information about and apply for a licence for scaffolding on roads, public rights of way, pavements, off road footpaths and verges
Licence for Hoarding - S.172 Licence information about and apply for a licence for hoardings on roads, pavements, off road footpaths and verges
Public computers, WiFi and printing the library computers, WiFi, printing and copying facilities
Licence to Carry Out Works on, in or over a Highway - Section 115E information about and apply for a licence to carry out work to roads, pavements, public rights of way, off road footpaths and verges
Town Centre Governance have three Town Centre Strategies for Newbury, Thatcham, and Hungerford, which are all based on extensive public consultation and stakeholder involvement. Th...
Strategic Flood Risk Assessment (SFRA) and managing the risk of flooding in West Berkshire.