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Picture this we're adding images to some of our website pages The project to "review and renew" our website is well underway and we recently launched our first new secti...
West Berkshire Council Weeknotes #71, this week we welcome Nigel Lynn to West Berkshire Council. For those of you who have been following these weeknotes on a regular basis you will know Ni...
Helping the council help those experiencing hardship a digital service to support the Household Support Fund application process This week the council invited local residents to apply for the Government b...
Planning Policy News on recent Planning Policy news, consultations and events
West Berkshire Council Weeknotes #72 we write to you at the beginning of November with our thoughts turning towards the end of year; we are busily working towards setting our budget for next yea...
Housing Options and Care Homes about West Berkshire Council Care Homes and other housing options for those that need care and support
West Berkshire Shared Lives about the West Berkshire Shared Lives Scheme and guidance for Shared Lives Carers and Service Users
Contact West Berkshire Shared Lives details for the West Berkshire Shared Lives Team
Day Services and Activities about Community Day Centres and community activities
Mental Health and Wellbeing and sources of support to help you look after your mental health and wellbeing