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Public Rights of Way Berkshire Council manages around 740 miles of Public Rights of Way (PROW), so that local people and visitors can enjoy the countryside of West Berkshire. Y...
Child Sexual Exploitation and advice about recognising the signs of sexual exploitation.
Unaccompanied Asylum Seeking Children about the support we offer to unaccompanied asylum seeking children
What to Expect: Pre-proceedings PLO (Public Law Outline) for families about what to expect from Pre-proceedings and the PLO process.
What to Expect: Voluntary Care (Section 20) for families about voluntary care of your child, also called a Section 20
The Children in Care Team Children in Care team work with children under 16 who have a plan for long term care.
The Post-16 and Leaving Care Teams 16 plus and Care Leavers Team work with young people aged between 16 and 21 years (in some cases up to 24 years depending on a needs assessment).
Corporate Parenting about West Berkshire Council acting as a corporate parent to all children in care
What to Expect: Supervised Family Time for families about what to expect for supervised family time with Children in Care (CIC)
What to Expect: Children in Care (CIC) Reviews about what's involved in a Children in Care (CIC) review.