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Children with Disabilities and services including our Children with Disabilities Team, occupational therapy, short breaks and respite care, and direct payments.
About Our Service and Teams about our teams and services, including complaints and feedback, where to find and contact us, our Contact, Advice and Assessment Service (CAAS) and...
Give us your training course feedback feedback for classroom and virtual training events on our Corporate and Social Care training programme You canĀ .
How you can help Ukraine about charities and organisations you can get involved with to help Ukraine
Safeguarding Training range of different training options are available to support your group or organisation to understand more about what safeguarding means, why it is important ...
The Supporting Families Programme with families that need support and stability.
Child Protection Conference Chairs about the role of a Child Protection Conference Chair.
What to Expect: Single Assessment about how we investigate a child protection concern.
What to Expect: Child Protection Investigations (Section 47 Enquiries) about what's involved in a Child Protection Investigation, also called a Section 47.
About the Quality Assurance and Safeguarding Service (QAAS) about the QAAS, what it does and contact details