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HECZ IF (Adobe pdf files) Environment Character Zone IF Inkpen Fields Historic Character This is a zone of large arable fields with some small wooded areas lying at the foot of ...
HECZ HSAS (Adobe pdf files) Environment Character Zone HSAS Hungerford Suburban Area - South Historic Character This is a zone of recent housing developments and associated civic ...
HECZ HW (Adobe pdf files) Environment Character Zone HW Hampshire Watershed Historic Character This zone is focussed around the West End Brook and is comprised of fields, wooded...
HECZ LLV (Adobe pdf files) Environment Character Zone LLV Lower Lambourn Valley Historic Character This zone comprises the lower Lambourn valley slopes on either side of the rive...
HECZ LRS (Adobe pdf files) Environment Character Zone LRS Lambourn – Recent Settlement Historic Character This is a zone of late 20th century and recent housing developments that...
HECZ UPVAP (Adobe pdf files) Environment Character Zone UPVAP Upper Pang Valley – All Periods Historic Character This is a zone dominated by arable cultivation containing the histo...
HECZ UPVP (Adobe pdf files) Environment Character Zone UPVP Upper Pang Valley – mostly prehistoric Historic Character This is a zone dominated by arable cultivation at the head of...
HECZ UET (Adobe pdf files) Environment Character Zone UET Urban East Theale Historic Character Theale is located near the floor of the Kennet Valley on the major road and rail ro...
HECZ UESA (Adobe pdf files) Environment Character Zone UESA Urban East Suburban Area Historic Character This is an extensive zone of mid-late 20th century suburbs containing sever...
HECZ VSWP (Adobe pdf files) Environment Character Zone VSWP Valleys South-Western Parklands Historic Character This is a mixed zone composed of ancient and other old woodlands, re...