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HECZ NB1 (Adobe pdf files) Environment Character Zone NB1 Newbury I Battlefield Historic Character This is a rural zone bounded by the A34, the edge of Newbury and the Kennet val...
HECZ NIA (Adobe pdf files) Environment Character Zone NIA Newbury Industrial Area Historic Character This is a densely occupied zone of low-rise industrial and warehousing units ...
HECZ MB (Adobe pdf files), HISTORIC ENVIRONMENT CHARACTER ZONING, HECZ, HEAP HECZ MB Historic Environment Character Zone Document ArchaeologyArchaeological sites, Digs (archa...
HECZ NFNW (Adobe pdf files), HISTORIC ENVIRONMENT CHARACTER ZONING, HECZ, HEAP HECZ NFNW Historic Environment Character Zone Document ArchaeologyArchaeological sites, Digs (arc...
HECZ MA (Adobe pdf files) Environment Character Zone MA Military Aldermaston Historic Character This is predominantly a military and commercial zone immediately to the south of ...
HECZ MUL (Adobe pdf files), HISTORIC ENVIRONMENT CHARACTER ZONING, HECZ, HEAP HECZ MUL Historic Environment Character Zone Document ArchaeologyArchaeological sites, Digs (arch...
HECZ NSA (Adobe pdf files) Environment Character Zone NSA Newbury Suburban Area Historic Character This zone lies partially within the study area of the Newbury Historic Characte...
HECZ NMC (Adobe pdf files) Environment Character Zone NMC Non-Military Common Historic Character This zone comprises those discontinuous parts of Greenham and Crookham Commons th...
HECZ PASS (Adobe pdf files) Environment Character Zone PASS Plantations - Assarts Historic Character This is a heavily wooded rural zone on the Pang watershed. Historically, much ...
HECZ NTQ (Adobe pdf files) Environment Character Zone NTQ Newbury – Thatcham Quarries Historic Character The zone comprises a number of active and inactive gravel pits on the Ken...